martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

How effective was the corporate state in Italy?
Corporatism was a third way between Communism and Capitalism, the aim is to end conflicts between workers and owners. This will be achieved by grouping the society by economic spheres. Workers and owners will be represented by one representative to mediate with the state; owners will choose their own representative meanwhile the state would choose the workers one.
Mussolini’s real aim was to control workers, direct production and economy. To control workers, Mussolini abolished strikes and chooses their representative, and to compensate this lost of freedom he gave the workers benefits, for example: Free Sundays, annual holidays with pay, social security, sports facilities, theatres facilities, cheap tours and holidays. Unlike capitalism, where production and the economy is lead by the market, it will be directed by the state. To fulfill this objective, Mussolini encouraged government subsides to promote industry (steel, iron and hydroelectric power). In 1925 he also introduced the policy called ¨The Battle of Wheat¨ to reach self-sufficiency.
The corporate state was effectively introduced because there were no strikes, showing a control among workers; and big employer’s interests were also satisfied. In addition, the economy was lead by the state through Mussolini’s policies as shown before. These are positives effects if we take into account Mussolini’s intentions, but the results of the measures used by him to accomplish corporatism were not effective on Italian economy.

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